but the worse was on saturday. SYABAS didnt send any water to our collage for the whole day, by the end ofthe day, collage decide to bring all the student outside to finr water. so i brought down my bottle and wait as they said now going d. but i have to wait for an hour before we start the 'water hunting'. guess what? the driver brought us soooo far, until R&R Seremban! only there he told us go take water, bath and eat. why the heck didnt tell earlier, i just brought water bottle only. not even a penny! so, i waste one hour waiting there in front of KFC! that time my hand aedy starting to hurt...
ok, at 1135 pm, the bus arrive to pick us up. but then the driver said we have to waot for the second trip as well.. damn.1st trip aedy pack, imagine how to stuff everyone inside, with all the pail and bottle. plus, the second trip just arrived meh, have to wait for them to fill up water first.. fine... then it took almost an hour to arrange all the pail at the storage compartment below the bus.. at that time, my hand aedy luka2, and im damn tired......
at last, we head back to collage, only the FIRST trip!, at 0040. that time i feel like i wanna cry aedy.. we arrive at 0120 and now, i have to bring my heavy bottles upstair..... huhu.... i settle down and slept at 0200... super tired.... just for a pail of water....
but im super mad, coz on Sunday, SYABAS sent the water twice! why.... didnt send on saturday, can it cover our miserable saturday by sending it twice one the next day? we need water everyday la...... =(
alhamdulillah, the water is back today. im soooo happy... after 4 days surviving without water... ok, moral of the story, i think i learnt a lot from these terrible experience. most of the student experienced it aedy as the live in hostel during secondary school. this is my first time to has to go thro this at hostel. but still, it help me to become a better person, not much, but at least a little improvement.... and i believe, 10 years from now, we all be laughing when remembering these experience.. i hope so! hehehe..
till then, i need to pray, have my lunch, then back to PURE MATH... huhu...
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