Tuesday, February 10, 2009

tagged luv

maaf bnyk2 buat Ihsan, sudah lama sbnrnya tertangguh nak wat tag ni... bukan apa, dh lama sgt tak buat tag, so rasa cam malas lak.. hehee.. neway, here is my promise to u honey :)

a. do you think you're HOT?
= 37 degree celcius isnt hot enuff izit? i think im hot enuff, dowan get fever aso.. hehe =

b. upload favorite picture of you!

c. Why do you like that picture?
= i love water sooo much.. a candid pic by my sister yg asyik memegang my cellphone.. taken at Swiss Garden Kuantan, a very nice watery place.. hahaha =

d. When is your last time you ate your pizza?
= i think last week, made by my mom specially for me coz sye puasa hari tu.. thanks mommy!! =

e. The last song you listen to?
= Michael Heart - Song For Gaza. i luv this song. touching..... =

f. What are you doing right now beside this?
= chatting wif my friend about....... haha! =

g. What name would you prefer beside yours?
= name?? i luv my name, i luv my parents' names, i luv my siblings's names, i luv my bestfriends' names.... n more *secret* ;) =

h. people i tag?
do i have to tag anyone?? adoila....
1. Sir Addie
2. Kak Najah
3. Yannur
4. kaka Wana

i. Who is number 1?
= my beloved bio lecturer. tought me for my last semester. thanks sir ;) =

j. Number 3 is having relationship with ...?
= someone..... rahsia org, tak baik gtau la.. hahaha* =

k. Say something about number 4..
= my beloved friend... rindu sama kaka la.. hehe =

l. Number 2 is having relationship with?
= she's married la! =

there. Ihsan syg, this is for u ;)

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