Something horrible happen yesterday, n i even cant believe, the impact, i cant sleep. the thing happen is out of sudden n i was awake all nite to think, i tried to figure out what did i do wrong but styll, i cant manage to find it coz i didnt do, i didnt sleep at all last nite n now here i am still awake..but feel so blurry now... otak pun dh tak berapa betul....kejap lagi nak kena tido nih....
today got exam briefing which mostly is the 'warning' from en razib since the result of As n A level is worse this tyme... i aso quite shock n scared when i heard, 20+ people cant fly coz didnt have enought cut-off point.. then the one-year student As result, lots of them have to repeat paper. plus, he is so mad coz his students wear jeans n tshirt to classes...then lots of the students wrote at friendster about how KTT is bad la, KTT is not nice n so on....i wonder how he find out that one.... hehehe...
plus, my midsem exam is next day more to prepare myself.. waa..sooooo many thing have to memorise, remember and understand..n i hope this midsem result will be better than the final exam before, InsyaAllah.. i need to be better!!
Ya Allah, plz give me courage and strength to continue my journey here despite the obstacles and fitnah (dear reader, if u really understand what fitnah mean k! dont go salah faham...) being put on me, and plz give me an excellent memory, and give me success throught my life. i hope the ujian U give to me will give me strength and prepare me for another bright day, InsyaAllah.... without U, i will collapse anytime and lose my way...