today, at my school, there is cocuricullum day n i was invited there. so i went there..nothing much there, just sunny day. haha.. after that, i went to take photo. im glad this photo came out nicely..haha.. if not...!
then, shopping more! i went and got myself another pair of slack pant, and cheese. hehe.. the slack suit, kinda expensive..huhu.. kopak jugak aku! haha. this time, use my own money.. hehe..
ah, today again, my eyes hurt. becoz go out today.. huhu.. so hot i guess. so hurt...huhu..uhu..tu la tak suka kuar.. its like im crying coz my eyes is teary..hehe//
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
yesterday while im using my computer, my neighbour call and tell me that my grandma is dieing. im stunned! i just saw her a couple day ago.
then, my neighbour ask me to get prepare coz they are sending me to my grandma's house. my other siblings wif my parents already went there in the morning, just to visit. on the way there, i felt like i wanna cry but i cant. im not that closed wif this grandma but still, im sad. n quite scared with what happening that time. huhu...
when i arrived, my grandma already been admitted in hospital. i went there at night to visit her. im not so good in dealing wif this situation, afraid! hah. i didnt dare to stay long in the room even she already awake n talk a lil. what i heard, at first, my grandma went into comma, so, they decided to bring them to hospital. waiting for ambulance, she awake. but still, bring her to hospital. doctor suspected Pneumonia. i dont really know..hehe.. but im glad she is stable now. pray for my grandma ok?! heh!
then, my neighbour ask me to get prepare coz they are sending me to my grandma's house. my other siblings wif my parents already went there in the morning, just to visit. on the way there, i felt like i wanna cry but i cant. im not that closed wif this grandma but still, im sad. n quite scared with what happening that time. huhu...
when i arrived, my grandma already been admitted in hospital. i went there at night to visit her. im not so good in dealing wif this situation, afraid! hah. i didnt dare to stay long in the room even she already awake n talk a lil. what i heard, at first, my grandma went into comma, so, they decided to bring them to hospital. waiting for ambulance, she awake. but still, bring her to hospital. doctor suspected Pneumonia. i dont really know..hehe.. but im glad she is stable now. pray for my grandma ok?! heh!
Friday, June 22, 2007
whAt a Day!
yesterday, my dad wake me up at 8 am,hah, to ask me go wif him. actually, i was the one who said i want to follow him to Alor Setar to find some veil. so he wake me up. as i take bath n everything, i thought that we will be home the latest will be at 6. so, i brought nothing as spare. hah.
so, at alor setar, i manage to find two nice veils. i wonder, everything i bought, i will write them in blog as nice, cute, cool and so on! haha. bragging? no, it just for me, the things i bought, its up to my standard, but i dont know others ok? heh. then, we futher our journey to my grandma home, SP. but my dad drove us to bowling centre 1st! yeay! but, guess what, my dad asked me to pay for the games! hah. unbelieveble, we played 6 games each. at the end of game, i felt like my arm will fall off and go wif the ball. hah. its hurt like hell.
then, shopping!! i never went shopping dress n shirt wif my dad. it was great coz he paid! haha.. at last, stupidly cute track bottom, cost him around $60. then, i got a really cute feminine skirt, haha, and a slack, cost him over $100 for that only. hah. i have a nice skirt!! haha
when we arrived at my grandma home, she is sick, fever i guess. so, my dad stay longer there, i have to wait. bored! in the evening, when i check......haha.. leave it to me. coz if i told u, afraid i will be the one who embarassed. haha..
my guess about we will be back at home at 6 pm, hurm, we arrived at home at 10 pm!! so tired. arrived home, my first destination, bathroom. it was so great to get shower and clean myself. haha.
so, at alor setar, i manage to find two nice veils. i wonder, everything i bought, i will write them in blog as nice, cute, cool and so on! haha. bragging? no, it just for me, the things i bought, its up to my standard, but i dont know others ok? heh. then, we futher our journey to my grandma home, SP. but my dad drove us to bowling centre 1st! yeay! but, guess what, my dad asked me to pay for the games! hah. unbelieveble, we played 6 games each. at the end of game, i felt like my arm will fall off and go wif the ball. hah. its hurt like hell.
then, shopping!! i never went shopping dress n shirt wif my dad. it was great coz he paid! haha.. at last, stupidly cute track bottom, cost him around $60. then, i got a really cute feminine skirt, haha, and a slack, cost him over $100 for that only. hah. i have a nice skirt!! haha
when we arrived at my grandma home, she is sick, fever i guess. so, my dad stay longer there, i have to wait. bored! in the evening, when i check......haha.. leave it to me. coz if i told u, afraid i will be the one who embarassed. haha..
my guess about we will be back at home at 6 pm, hurm, we arrived at home at 10 pm!! so tired. arrived home, my first destination, bathroom. it was so great to get shower and clean myself. haha.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
yeaha!! at last, i completed my medical checkup. no more visit to hospital in the nearest time. this time, i went there, even the doctor sensed that im nervous. doc, im not just nervous, im damn afraid! haha.. so, the doctor declaire, im normal.. haha.. so, now automaticcaly i made a choice i guess. so im going for JPA schoalrship. wish me luck and pray for me on this track!
KTT, we can choose our roomate. so, there is a girl, same as me, going to do a level there, so sporting n great friend. cant wait to be roomie wif u. we had been chatting i guess for a bout two weeks. kawan satu kepala deh! haha.. at least, i wont be like Miss Lonely there coz u know how hard for me to make a new friend. huhu..
KTT, we can choose our roomate. so, there is a girl, same as me, going to do a level there, so sporting n great friend. cant wait to be roomie wif u. we had been chatting i guess for a bout two weeks. kawan satu kepala deh! haha.. at least, i wont be like Miss Lonely there coz u know how hard for me to make a new friend. huhu..
Monday, June 18, 2007

i check out a website, kinda forum on scholarship. they discuss about my college-to-be. freak me out coz they make it seem so damn err...what a suitable word hah? but its not what im expected. so dissapointed.. like wanna cry that time n change my mind to go to local uni, much much better than that college.. huhu..
im preparing a list of what will i need n the list keep expending coz i keep adding things to bring. haha.. i cant imagine how many things i will have to bring there on that day. n my mom just told me that on that day, my dad has to go to Kuantan. so now i doubt they will send me there on my registration day... waaaa!! i dont wanna go there alone....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
soRe tHroAt voice turning into katak's voice..haha! may be this is becoz that day i went outside. huhu, puteri lilin la katakan..haha!
what a boring day today.. so lonely..huhu.. my aim today was to fill in all those forms but i guess that just an aim.ha! so lazy to hold a pen! later tonite i guess. i want to prepare everything by the end of this week..but we'll see the progress..hehe..
i miss my friends..husna n hanisah! cant wait to hang out wif u two. just now, aku baru je bergayut wif hanisah..haha.. so sweet! wait, i will go there ok dear?! :P
what a boring day today.. so lonely..huhu.. my aim today was to fill in all those forms but i guess that just an aim.ha! so lazy to hold a pen! later tonite i guess. i want to prepare everything by the end of this week..but we'll see the progress..hehe..
i miss my friends..husna n hanisah! cant wait to hang out wif u two. just now, aku baru je bergayut wif hanisah..haha.. so sweet! wait, i will go there ok dear?! :P
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
last nite sleep at 3 so sleepy.,..n now having sore throat.. dah macam kata la pulak..haha.. i was planning to sleep for a long time, but husna rang me early in the morning, asking me to come online! she is back!! haha.. my dear is back! love n miss u so much Na! hurm.. so tired now.. tonite, i will sleep earlier! i will! haha
Monday, June 11, 2007
wonder..why suddenly i have pimple? i mean the old one had gone, now a new one.. before, i never have pimple... haha.. am i growing up? already grown..hehe.. may be im transforming from childish to more mature... but i love being child.. haha! am i??
i need to go to back later, to open a new account for the scholarship. huhu.. malas rasanya.. but have to! i heard so many version, one said that to open an account at that bank, need RM250, other said RM120, some said RM20..huh! what is the exact amount?! haha.. may be i need to go to the bank and find it out myself. when? ah, so lazy to go out. Perlis is a hot state.. lately, i kinda usually go out for the hospital n so on, already had become darker n darker everyday living here in Perlis. huhu..but soon, i will not live here anymore.. im going to KL, study a-level..huhu..
i need to go to back later, to open a new account for the scholarship. huhu.. malas rasanya.. but have to! i heard so many version, one said that to open an account at that bank, need RM250, other said RM120, some said RM20..huh! what is the exact amount?! haha.. may be i need to go to the bank and find it out myself. when? ah, so lazy to go out. Perlis is a hot state.. lately, i kinda usually go out for the hospital n so on, already had become darker n darker everyday living here in Perlis. huhu..but soon, i will not live here anymore.. im going to KL, study a-level..huhu..
Friday, June 08, 2007
im free from TB!! hehe... thanks God.. i went to hospital today for the Mantoux test reading.. today, still a bad day coz i am so tired, lack of sleep, tension day..huhu..i almost look like panda..haha..
n i a week, i went to hospital 3 times, but why the fear become worse n worser everytime? how i can overcome this fear?? help me...
n i a week, i went to hospital 3 times, but why the fear become worse n worser everytime? how i can overcome this fear?? help me...
Sunday, June 03, 2007
6 Signs he'll make a good dad by Erika Rasmusson Janes
1. He treats his mother well . What kind of family man will he be? First look at his relationship with his mom. Does he respect her? Laugh with her easily? Enjoy visiting her? Help out with chores or errands? “If the answer is yes, all of this means she did a good job raising him, he naturally likes women, and will like the mom you will become,” says Wendy Allen, Ph.D., a psychotherapist specializing in couples and marriage therapy in Santa Barbara, CA. In fact, respect in general — to other family members, to kids, and to you — should be at the top of the “what to look for” list.
2. He’s selfless. What’s the number one thing you learn when you become a parent? You never come first anymore! So if you’re with a guy who thinks he’s the center of the universe, beware. For Jackie Baker, a Valdosta, GA, mother of one, it was easy to see she wasn’t dating an egomaniac when she found out that he’d spent much of his time caring for his 17-years-younger sister. “One of his major responsibilities was to take care of her in the afternoon when he came home from school,” she says. “He didn’t really go on dates or get to hang out with his friends. I thought, any teenage boy who is willing to give up his time for his sister is a great man. Even to this day he helps out with his sister’s homework whenever he can. I knew when I saw him taking such an interest in his family that he was going to be a wonderful father.”
3. He’s not easily grossed out. Surprise! Kids are messy. There are dirty diapers, vomit—and dirty diapers and vomit happening at the same time. Being a parent means getting comfortable with the eewwww factor. Good fathers are the ones “who jump in to clean up a gross mess and help out when someone else isn’t feeling well,” says Dianne Couris, an author and parenting coach in Oldsmar, FL, and president of Family Choices & Solutions, Inc. Christine Louise Hohlbaum, a mother of two, found this out years ago while on a tumultuous, three-hour ferry boat ride around the Greek Islands. Hohlbaum got seasick five times. “Each time, my then-boyfriend would take my barf bag to the front of the boat to retrieve another one,” she says. “As we pulled into the dock, I knew this man would make a great father. Childbirth and parenting would be a snap for a guy who can carry puke across the Mediterranean without blinking an eye.”
4. He’s a great uncle. “Nephews and nieces are the stepping stones to your own kids,” says Allen. “Does he call them on their birthdays? Does he make dates where he actually has to show up and take them to the movies or an amusement park?” Varina Caton, a Wilmington, DE, mother of two, witnessed such dedicated affection with her future husband and his nieces and nephews. “He would have his nieces and nephews fly out to stay with us,” she says. “He has always made a point of staying in contact with them. He sent some of them to summer camp because their Mom was unable to come up with the money. He has mentored them as they have matured, introducing money management (for obvious reasons!), job skills, people skills and most importantly setting goals. Because of his involvement with his sibling’s offspring I knew he would make a great Dad, and he has!”
5. He doesn’t mind taking direction from his partner. “If a man resents being told what to do, then working with him on his children’s schedule and responsibilities could get tense,” Couris says. “Running a family schedule is usually [the mother’s role] and the father typically needs direction.” How can you tell if he’ll respond well to family life? Notice how he takes to your suggestions (“I think you should pack more than one pair of underwear for our week at the beach”) and how he reacts to your plans (“Don’t forget: Thursday is my uncle’s 73rd birthday and we’re all going to dinner.”) If you get a positive reaction, you’re onto something!
6. He likes ketchup. And he understands the importance of blowing the paper cover off of a straw and seeing if it can reach across the table. In other words, he has a playful sense of fun, and doesn’t take himself too seriously. Those could be the most telling sign of all. You’ve got to have a sense of humor to get through life with kids.
Now, here are a couple of signs maybe he’s not destined to be the world’s best dad:
1. He can’t go with the flow. A good dad needs to be flexible, easy-going and not easily flustered. Having a kid means that dinners will get canceled, and vacations will be marred by bouts of the flu. If he’s the type who sweats the small stuff and can’t easily adapt to change, he may be in for a tough time as a dad. “I dated one guy who planned every weekend as if it was a military operation, and he totally blew a gasket if there was any fluctuation from his plans,” recalls Elizabeth Bach of Westfield, NJ. “He wasn’t so into the idea of having kids anyway, and I thought that was a good thing—he’d probably be one uptight, inflexible dad!”
2. He doesn’t pitch in around the house. “Any man who considers himself above anything… is going to have trouble serving his or her majesty: The baby,” Allen says.
i found it on MSN, cute! yesterday, i was damn sad, but today, im damn happy!! yeay me!! more info? its been hide..hahaha.. but thanks God, for make my day bright again. n now wif two sides to write, so confusing, but i glad i have two sides.. :P
2. He’s selfless. What’s the number one thing you learn when you become a parent? You never come first anymore! So if you’re with a guy who thinks he’s the center of the universe, beware. For Jackie Baker, a Valdosta, GA, mother of one, it was easy to see she wasn’t dating an egomaniac when she found out that he’d spent much of his time caring for his 17-years-younger sister. “One of his major responsibilities was to take care of her in the afternoon when he came home from school,” she says. “He didn’t really go on dates or get to hang out with his friends. I thought, any teenage boy who is willing to give up his time for his sister is a great man. Even to this day he helps out with his sister’s homework whenever he can. I knew when I saw him taking such an interest in his family that he was going to be a wonderful father.”
3. He’s not easily grossed out. Surprise! Kids are messy. There are dirty diapers, vomit—and dirty diapers and vomit happening at the same time. Being a parent means getting comfortable with the eewwww factor. Good fathers are the ones “who jump in to clean up a gross mess and help out when someone else isn’t feeling well,” says Dianne Couris, an author and parenting coach in Oldsmar, FL, and president of Family Choices & Solutions, Inc. Christine Louise Hohlbaum, a mother of two, found this out years ago while on a tumultuous, three-hour ferry boat ride around the Greek Islands. Hohlbaum got seasick five times. “Each time, my then-boyfriend would take my barf bag to the front of the boat to retrieve another one,” she says. “As we pulled into the dock, I knew this man would make a great father. Childbirth and parenting would be a snap for a guy who can carry puke across the Mediterranean without blinking an eye.”
4. He’s a great uncle. “Nephews and nieces are the stepping stones to your own kids,” says Allen. “Does he call them on their birthdays? Does he make dates where he actually has to show up and take them to the movies or an amusement park?” Varina Caton, a Wilmington, DE, mother of two, witnessed such dedicated affection with her future husband and his nieces and nephews. “He would have his nieces and nephews fly out to stay with us,” she says. “He has always made a point of staying in contact with them. He sent some of them to summer camp because their Mom was unable to come up with the money. He has mentored them as they have matured, introducing money management (for obvious reasons!), job skills, people skills and most importantly setting goals. Because of his involvement with his sibling’s offspring I knew he would make a great Dad, and he has!”
5. He doesn’t mind taking direction from his partner. “If a man resents being told what to do, then working with him on his children’s schedule and responsibilities could get tense,” Couris says. “Running a family schedule is usually [the mother’s role] and the father typically needs direction.” How can you tell if he’ll respond well to family life? Notice how he takes to your suggestions (“I think you should pack more than one pair of underwear for our week at the beach”) and how he reacts to your plans (“Don’t forget: Thursday is my uncle’s 73rd birthday and we’re all going to dinner.”) If you get a positive reaction, you’re onto something!
6. He likes ketchup. And he understands the importance of blowing the paper cover off of a straw and seeing if it can reach across the table. In other words, he has a playful sense of fun, and doesn’t take himself too seriously. Those could be the most telling sign of all. You’ve got to have a sense of humor to get through life with kids.
Now, here are a couple of signs maybe he’s not destined to be the world’s best dad:
1. He can’t go with the flow. A good dad needs to be flexible, easy-going and not easily flustered. Having a kid means that dinners will get canceled, and vacations will be marred by bouts of the flu. If he’s the type who sweats the small stuff and can’t easily adapt to change, he may be in for a tough time as a dad. “I dated one guy who planned every weekend as if it was a military operation, and he totally blew a gasket if there was any fluctuation from his plans,” recalls Elizabeth Bach of Westfield, NJ. “He wasn’t so into the idea of having kids anyway, and I thought that was a good thing—he’d probably be one uptight, inflexible dad!”
2. He doesn’t pitch in around the house. “Any man who considers himself above anything… is going to have trouble serving his or her majesty: The baby,” Allen says.
i found it on MSN, cute! yesterday, i was damn sad, but today, im damn happy!! yeay me!! more info? its been hide..hahaha.. but thanks God, for make my day bright again. n now wif two sides to write, so confusing, but i glad i have two sides.. :P
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