the story goes a long way. and im not even sure where to start or what to tell. but i know one thing, they had placed lessons that only now i discover. oh how jahil i am..
i know this one family i think since i was so little. and nothing really outstanding back then. nothing, until i was having problem. and i approach the parents. and they helped me, without any string attached. i mean they just willingly help and guide me. the lesson i learnt from this, that i see now, how wonderful it is to be part of a jamaah. it is a bliss, that i never realize before. i am borned in a jamaah, and only now i see the bright side. oh how jahil i am. Alhamdulillah, thanks Allah for this amazing gift.
i know most probably the family wont read my blog. Allah, thanks for the tarbiyah. i know it took me so long to see, but im glad that at least i finally see it. oh how jahil i am. Alhamdulillah, thanks Allah for the guidance. and im looking forward for more tarbiyah to be a better person insyaAllah.