Wednesday, June 30, 2010

final exam

Final Exam
July 15 - Anatomy
July 16 - Physiology & Biochemistry
July 17 - Dental Anatomy and Dental Histology
July 19 - DADH practical
July 21 - Anatomy practical
July 22 - Physiology & Biochemistry practical
pheww! can i overlook that exam and go straight to the date of my flight from Bangalore to Kuala Lumpur?? hihi. im so underprepared yet playing around like my exam had finished. O Allah, give me strength and courage to study and make the best of this BDS. sometimes i lost myself and forget why i am here. Dear Lord, keep guiding me toward success for my parents, family, and Islam :)


balqis said...

gudluck exam! bittaufiq wannajah :)

& oh selamat pulang ke malaysia!

DiA said...

haha. thanks aqis~
tak dpt jumpa kat msia :P