Wednesday, July 01, 2009


there is no more moderation. everything is going on full speed. people gone missing, my bestfriends disappear, fear getting stronger, hormone imbalance, money usage. for short, EVERYTHING!

so far, I made the cookies. i also settled things wid my scholar. seen de doctor about immunization which was very tiring and will be more... wish i can really tell someone about it... anyway, thanks much Azan! love you.

=my tomorrow's plan=
1. typhoid vaccination
2. shopping
3. call the officer

im not sure how and when, but so far, im holding strong settling all these. even i did lose my temper yesterday when the hospital really pissed me off. or not really the hospital but the ******. i was super extremly pissed and tired and hungry yesterday till i cried. huhu

pray for me.

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