Monday, September 01, 2008


my laptop went crazy, as someone called it 'CRASH'. i lost everything in my laptop, all my files, all my essay, my pictures, my songs....!! wuaaa.. i cried like hell that tyme.. hehe. so sad aso, plus that tyme i was terribly sick, plus tired after a long journey back to collage...... only Allah knows how I was feeling that tyme...

n now, i GOT my laptop back!!! at least i can use it la, even all my stuff had gone. my bro repair it for me. guess what, have to buy a new hardisk, luckly my dad willing to pay for it. Thanks ALOT daddy! cost him rm250... huhu.. donnow what did i do until the hardisk totally broken. haha.... so, now, my laptop is like a brand new one which i have to install everything back... huhu.. having trouble to install yahoo messenger! donnow why.... anyhow, thanks to my bro who help me fix the laptop, come to KLsentral to take the LT then go back then come again to give me back the LT.. most of all to my DADDY! love u lots!! sorry for being a pampered daughter again.. =D

to all my muslim friends, selamat berpuasa. moga ramadhan kali ini membawa sejuta erti, rahmat, hidayah, maghfirah dan keampunan. gunakanlah kesempatan ramadhan ini sebaik-baiknya! ahlan wasahlan ya Ramadhan!

exam is coming!! preA2... last internal exam.. huhu.. not prepared at all.... pray for the best!

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